- Successfully defended a prominent internet company in USA and its Chinese affiliate against a writer Mrs. Wang in a book searching copyright infringement case.
- Successfully defended a prestigious Chinese internet company against its competitor in a copyright infringement and unfair competition case regarding internet encyclopedia content.
- Successfully defended a prestigious Chinese internet company against its competitor in an internet Sitemap Protocol copyright infringement case.
- Represented a prestigious Chinese keyboard manufacturing company against its competitor in Japan regarding the keyboard music copyright infringement case.
- Represented a prestigious Chinese digital library against its competitor in a copyright infringement case regarding science and technology periodicals database.
- Represented a world-wide famous computer corporation against a Chinese mainboard manufacturer in a copyright infringement case regarding the PCB design of computer mainboard.
- Represented a prestigious Chinese software corporation against its competitor in Taiwan in a copyright infringement case regarding Chinese character handwriting recognition software.
- Represented a prestigious Chinese online game company against a film and television company in China in an online game development contract arbitration case.
- Represented a prestigious European corporation against a Chinese digital library in a copyright infringement case regarding documentation sharing.
- Represented a Korean online game company to apply for a preliminary injunction against certain game operation platforms in China regarding online game copyright infringement and unfair competition.
- Represented a well-known Chinese online game company to conduct legal analysis, strategy formulation and evidence collection in a popular online game infringement dispute.
- Represented a prestigious Chinese bank regarding online photograph copyright infringement.
- Represented a famous Chinese scholar against another famous Chinese writer in a copyright infringement dispute regarding a celebrity biography.
- Successfully defended a prominent mobile phone manufacturer against a video platform operator in a series of copyright infringement disputes regarding mobile phone built-in video software APP.